Listen to the Z99 interview on Smoking Cessation with Alexandra Stewart, a mental health expert and CICS volunteer of more than 9 years, and CICS operations manager Jennifer Weber on July 18, 2014.
Audio PlayerI Can Quit Programme
A Smoking Cessation Programme “I Can Quit” is offered through Public Health Department at the Cayman Islands Hospital during February and May of each year. For more information and to register for the next offering of this free program please contact Sarah Hetley at 244-2889 or email at
In a seven week Comprehensive Programme, a core Health Services Authority Staff will provide participants with a great start in their effort to conquer one of the most addictive habits on Earth! The programme will provide valuable tools, pertinent information and a supportive and available group environment to make the experience beneficial.
The sessions will be held for 1 hour each Wednesday for Seven weeks covering all aspects of the process of quitting smoking- from smoking triggers to the physical discomforts of quitting to strategies for success. For those who successfully quit, a support group will be ongoing in an effort to avoid relapse.
Session 1 Week 1 Guidance, orientation and overview of the programme
- Issuing of name tags for core team and participants
- Discussion of Roles
- Overview of the programme
- Conducting of baseline testing
- Issuing of participant educational and resource package
- Provision of Prescriptive medication
- Opportunity for your feed back
Session 2 Week 2 – Your Motivation for Quitting
- Base line testing
- Smoking and self esteem
- The dangers of smoking versus the benefits of quitting
- Identifying your motive for quitting
- Opportunity for your feedback
Session 3 Week 3 Understanding your habit
- Base line testing
- Determining what kind of smoker you are
- Identification of your triggers
- Smoking cessation aids
- Opportunity for your feed back
Session 4 Week 4 Strategies for quitting smoking
- Individualizing strategies
- Quit smoking
- Referrals for Individual counseling as deemed necessary.
- Opportunity for feedback
Session 5 Week 5 Coping with Side Effects
- Smoking cessation aids
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
- Opportunity for feedback
Session 6 week 6 Developing skills for Dealing with anxiety and boredom
Session 7 week 7 Relapse prevention