Cayman Islands Stride 2018 – Register Now!


Cayman Stride Against Cancer 2018Registration Form: Stride 2018

The Nationwide Stride Against Cancer, a fundraising event to benefit the Cayman Islands Cancer Society takes place on the last Sunday each January. For 2018, the big day is Sunday January 28th.

Register at Registration fee is CI$30

After registering online, striders can pick up their race packets (t-shirts) and pay any day from Tuesday January 23rd to Saturday January 27th at the CICS Office (114 Maple Road, George Town – Opposite the George Town Hospital).

Stride Against Cancer is organized by the Cayman Islands Cancer Society and is the organization’s largest fundraising event. The funds raised will help finance the Society’s many programs and activities.

Cancer touches everyone. What makes Stride Against Cancer different from other charity walk/run events is the connection that participants and volunteers feel with each other and with the cause.

There are over 1300 participants and more than 100 volunteers between the walk/run in George Town and the one in North Side. Both events are non-competitive.

Additionally, school children all around the island Stride Against Cancer within their schools on the Friday before the main Stride events.

The event attracts people of all ages and from all walks of life and truly reflects the diversity of the Caymanian community. It is a family event with people coming together united in the common goal of striding against cancer.

We hope you and your organization will join us and be a part of the largest walk/run in the Cayman Islands.

Big Stride (Grand Cayman)
6am (Long Course) or 7am (Short Course) Start and finish at Seven Mile Public Beach, West Bay Road. The course and aid stations will open at 6am and close at 9:30am.

  • 13.1 Mile Half Marathon “Long Course” (timed) – 6am start. Out and back from the Public Beach on West Bay Road. The course goes along West Bay Road, through George Town and along South Church Street paralleling the coastline. Caribbean Paradise on South Sound Road is the turn around point.
  • 6.5 Mile Quarter-Marathon “Short Course” (not timed) – 7am start. Out and back from the Public Beach on West Bay Road. The course goes along West Bay Road with The Wharf Restaurant as the turn around point. 

Mini Stride (North Side)
The event will start at 7am at Kaibo. The walk will go to Old Driftwood and back to Kaibo.

Little Stride (Little Cayman) 
The event will be a day early on Saturday Jan 27 . Start time will be at 7 am , leaving out from Southern Cross Club, Guy Banks Rd.

Brac Stride (Cayman Brac)
Cayman Brac held their event in November of last year.

For more information: Call 345 949 7618 or [email protected]

Download the registration form here

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